Rumor: HTC will release 5-inch ‘phablet’ device

After Samsung and LG already released the device with large enough screen size, it’s now HTC to release the device with 5-inch screen size, this device is put between smartphone and tablet, so thats why we called the devices as “phablet”.

User of Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and Samsung Galaxy Camera will get 50GB free Dropbox storage

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy Camera are the two latest advanced devices introduced by Samsung in the IFA 2012. Both the electronic devices also offer the specs can make you shake your head.

Zenithink ZTPad C93, 10-inch Android tablet using Amlogic MX dual-core

Some user always feel so comfortable with large screen display, thats why Zenithink try to unveiled the new ZTPad C93 to the market. This tablet has 10-inch screen size and brings high performance for you your daily activity.

Lenovo unveiled the S-series laptop in IFA 2012

In the IFA 2012, Lenovo has just introduced a laptop in terms of design similar to an ultrabook. The laptop is a Lenovo S Series. There are three series of the laptop introduced by Lenovo, the S300, S400 and S405.

iPad Mini using iPad 2 specification?

Rumors about a 7-inch tablet from Apple is continues to circulate. This time based on the latest information from the Instapaper app developers who say that the iPad Mini is made from the basis of the iPad 2 specs.

Google and Apple CEO holds the secret talks

Google Chief Executive Officer, Larry Page and Apple CEO, Tim Cook is rumored secret talks to discuss intellectual property rights, including the issue of a patent dispute between them.

Huawei announce the price of their quad core-based smartphone

Previously, Huawei has been unveiled the Huawei D1 Quad X price for more than 3,000 yuan, and we all know that the price is not acceptable for most user, but now Huawei has officialy annpunce the proce for their smartphone.

Lenovo IdeaCentre B-Series, all-in-one PC with Windows 8 from Lenovo

Lenovo trying to make desktop PC after they are now release some mobile device such as tablet and smartphone which running Android OS, and now they are unveiled two kind of All-in-One PC called IdeaPad Centre B-Series

Samsung ready to sue Apple, if Apple using LTE technology

Image Credit: CNet

‘War’ between Samsung and Apple seems to still be a long journey. Samsung is rumored to be avenge his defeat in a U.S. court recently.

Regarding the news,  Samsung is now preparing to sue Apple if they were found to release a new device that carries the LTE capability.

Picture: NEO Mourinho NO-2 M

After we’ve covered the NEO Mourinho NO-2 M Android smartphone , we are now happy to show you the another picture of that MT6577-based smartphone.

HTC Desire X aka HTC Proto ready for global market

HTC is preparing the new Desire-line family, it’s called the HTC Desire X, this phone is also known as HTC Proto which appear as a rumor, and now this phone is ready for global market for Q4 this year.

Huawei Ascend G600, Android smartphone with 4.5 inch display

Chinese electronics manufacturer, Huawei has just introduced a new Android smartphone with the name of Huawei Ascend G600 was seemingly aimed at the middle class.

HTC Accord, Windows Phone 8 with Dual Core Snapdragon S4 processor

HTC seems won’t miss with Nokia and Samsung to launch Windows Phone 8 samrtphone. Taiwanese-based company is also reportedly preparing a new WP8 phone called HTC Accord.

The new trio of Android ICS tablet from Lenovo

Chinese electronic manufacturer Lenovo has been unveiled the three IdeaTab  family in IFA 2012 Berlin, those tablets running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) OS are the Ideatab S2110A, the Ideatab A2107A and the Ideatab A2109A.

Lenovo IdeaPad Z series, slim laptop packs with Windows 8

Lenovo has just introduced two Lenovo IdeaPad Z Series laptop, the Z500 and Z400. Two laptops are also claimed to have a slim size with powerful capabilities.

Apple loses patent lawsuit Samsung in Japan

In U.S. Apple led to the defeat of Samsung, but the different story going on in Japan. Tokyo Japanese court headed by Judge Tamotsu Shoji said that Samsung Galaxy phones and Galaxy Tab tablets did not infringe Apple’s patents.

iPhone 5 real machine unveiled from Sina Microblogging

After we got many rumors about the new Apple iPhone devices, we’va a couple the picture of the new Apple iPhone (also known as iPhone 5) from SIna Microblogging user.

RAMOS XMEN, quad-core tablet become the Galaxy Tab 10.1 rivals

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is the one of popular tablet on the market, thats why there is another tablet manufacturer build the product with same specifications to Samsung Galaxy Tablet device. One of the China-based manufacturer is Ramos, who built Ramos XMEN 10.1-inch tablet and powered with quad-core processor.

Goophone I5 – The Quad-core iPhone 5 Clone Preview (Video)

Goophone I5 – The Quad-core iPhone 5 Clone Preview (Video)

Key specification of Goophone I5:

JIayu G3 Benchmark Score Unveiled

AfterJiayu G3 the Antutu benchmark testing, the score is not too low, many MTK6577 phone run points are in the field. As we all know, the phone resolution score is great, the screen displays the higher the resolution, the score will be pulled down,