Samsung has introduced three new ISOCELL camera sensors: the ISOCELL GNJ, ISOCELL HP9, and ISOCELL JN5. These sensors are not the top models but are great for telephoto and ultrawide cameras in smartphones. Many Android smartphone brands, including Samsung, will likely use these sensors in the future.


The ISOCELL GNJ is a 50MP sensor with 1µm pixels and a 1/1.57-inch optical format. It has dual-pixel autofocus for fast and accurate focusing, even in low light. This sensor also has in-sensor zoom, which works with an optical zoom lens to provide better zoom without losing much image quality.

The GNJ sensor has an improved anti-reflective layer and a high-refractive microlens to gather light better and reduce unwanted reflections, keeping dark areas looking natural. It uses silicon oxide between pixels to reduce noise. It is also energy-efficient, using 29% less power in preview mode and 34% less power when recording 4K 60fps videos.


The ISOCELL HP9 is a new 200MP sensor with a 1/1.4-inch optical format and 0.56µm pixels. It has 12% higher light sensitivity and 10% better autofocus compared to the older ISOCELL HP3. This sensor can be used for both main and telephoto cameras and is already used in the Vivo X100 Ultra’s telephoto camera.

The HP9 uses a highly refractive microlens to direct light better to the RGB color filter, improving color accuracy, autofocus speed, and light sensitivity. It performs well in low light with its 4×4 pixel binning and can create a realistic background blur. It offers 2x and 4x in-sensor zoom and can reach up to 12x optical-quality zoom with a 3x optical zoom lens.


The ISOCELL JN5 is a 50MP sensor with a 1/2.76-inch size, likely to be used for ultrawide cameras in smartphones. It offers better autofocus and a wider color range for a consistent camera experience. It uses Dual Vertical Transfer Gate (Dual VTG) technology to improve pixel charge transfer, reducing noise in low light. Super Quad Phase Detection (Super QPD) enhances autofocus accuracy by comparing horizontal and vertical phase differences.

For better dynamic range and HDR, the JN5 uses Dual Slope Gain (DSG), which amplifies and converts light signals for a wider color range. It also has hardware remosaic algorithms for faster capture and real-time zoom preview. Its small size makes it suitable for front-facing, telephoto, or ultrawide cameras.

Jesuk Lee, Executive Vice President and CTO of the System LSI Sensor Business Team at Samsung Electronics, said, “Improving image sensor performance and making main and sub cameras work better together for a consistent photo experience is the new direction of the industry. We will keep setting industry standards and pushing technology boundaries with our new mobile sensors that include the latest advancements.”

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