Counterpoint announced the biggest smartphone manufacturer during China’s 618 Shopping Festival. Of course, I think you’ve already guessed it: we are talking about Huawei. Despite the US embargo, the Chinese brand never gave up the fight and Huawei was the brand that managed to sell the most smartphones during this shopping festival. With 42.4% growth, Huawei continues to rise in the Chinese market.

Counterpoint’s Smartphone Sales Report

As we mentioned above, Huawei was the lowest discounter, but the high sales of the Mate 60 and Pura 70 series smartphones really impressive. This allowed the brand to achieve a growth of 42.4%. After Huawei, Vivo ranked second. The vivo X100S series was launched before China’s 618 Shopping Festival, boosting the brand’s sales.

In addition, Vivo’s announcement of smartphones such as the Y200 and IQOO Neo 9S Pro also contributed to increased sales. Vivo is said to have achieved a growth of 12.6%. And that brand that everyone is curious about: Xiaomi. The Apple of China, Xiaomi is said to be offering discounts of up to 1000 yuan, and sales of mid-to-high-end smartphones have increased. This positively impacted the brand and provided a growth of 12%, close to vivo.

We were surprised that the best-selling smartphone on the Xiaomi side is the Redmi K70. In addition, we want to point out that the Redmi K80 and Redmi K80 Pro are officially in development. We’ll have news about the new Redmi K80 series available on the site soon. Finally, Honor and Apple were able to sell 4.3% and 2.7% more smartphones respectively.