Apple is finally dipping its toes into the foldable phone market, and they’re bringing in the big guns to help. Korean media outlet TheElec reports that Apple has tapped Samsung Display and LG Display to develop foldable screen panels for its upcoming devices.

Foldable iPhone Concept

Samsung, a leader in foldable phone technology, is likely to develop a foldable panel for a device in the 7-inch to 8-inch range, hinting at Apple’s first foldable iPhone. This phone-sized foldable would be similar in size to the iPad mini and could potentially boast a design that folds horizontally or vertically, with Samsung prepping solutions for both.

LG Display, on the other hand, seems to be tackling the larger foldable territory. Their project involves a 10-inch foldable panel, speculated to be destined for a new iPad. This foldable iPad is expected to integrate seamlessly with the existing iPad ecosystem.

However, Apple isn’t rushing things. A major hurdle for the company seems to be the crease that appears on current foldable displays. Apple has reportedly informed both panel makers that eliminating this crease is crucial for them to consider launching a foldable device.

The launch timeframe for these foldable Apple devices remains uncertain. Industry insiders speculate that a 2026 release might be too ambitious, pushing the target date back to 2027. This could coincide with the 20th anniversary of the iPhone and the 10th anniversary of the first OLED iPhone, making it a significant year for Apple.

This news is exciting for Apple fans and the tech industry as a whole. Apple’s entry into the foldable market could push the technology further, leading to better designs, more durable screens, and innovative functionalities. With Samsung and LG‘s expertise on board, these foldable Apple devices have the potential to be game-changers.
