Chinese researchers have made a significant leap in brain-inspired chip technology with Tianmoc. This new chip, unveiled by Tsinghua University, mimics the human visual system for superior performance in complex environments.

Traditional chips struggle with sudden light changes or interference

Tianmoc tackles a major hurdle for AI – visual perception. Traditional chips struggle with sudden light changes or interference, hindering self-driving cars and other applications. Tianmoc boasts high-speed, high-precision processing at low power consumption, excelling in these challenging scenarios.

China chip

Inspired by the human brain, Tianmoc breaks down visual information into “primitives” that are then combined, mimicking human perception. This “dual-pathway” approach surpasses traditional methods and ensures system stability.

Beyond self-driving cars and robots, Tianmoc has the potential to revolutionize everyday devices like smartphones, offering new features as production costs decrease.

This research builds on the team’s prior success with Tianjic, another brain-inspired chip. They envision Tianmoc and its predecessors creating a comprehensive “brain-like intelligence ecosystem” that could pave the way for artificial general intelligence, a type of AI that learns and reasons like humans.

Tianmoc marks a significant step towards a future powered by original, brain-inspired AI technology, with the potential to solve complex problems and create groundbreaking applications.

