Just ahead of Children’s Day in China (June 1), Tencent Games has announced a significant upgrade to its “Anti-Addiction 4-tool Set” management tool. This suite of features aims to empower parents and promote healthy gaming habits among minors.

Source: Imaginechina via AP

Empowering Parents with Enhanced Anti-Addiction Tools

The upgraded set builds upon Tencent’s existing anti-addiction measures like real-name authentication, playtime and recharge limits, and facial recognition. It goes a step further by offering a comprehensive “all-around toolbox” for personalized control.

The four key features of the upgraded system include:

One-click Ban on Play and Recharge: This allows parents to instantly pause their child’s gameplay and in-game purchases, providing a quick and easy way to manage playtime and spending.

Self-Account Management: This empowers children to manage their own accounts within pre-set limitations. It fosters a sense of responsibility and encourages them to develop healthy gaming habits.

Green Mobile Reporting: This feature provides tools for parents to report inappropriate content or behavior encountered within the game, contributing to a safer online environment.

One-click Block Strangers: This allows parents to restrict their child’s interaction with strangers within the game, minimizing potential risks associated with online interactions.

The upgraded tools will be progressively rolled out through the “Tencent Growth Guardian” official account and mini-program. Tencent emphasizes that these features target crucial areas like gaming duration, in-game spending, and social interaction. This multi-pronged approach equips parents with a powerful weapon to safeguard their children from the negative impacts of gaming addiction.

