Huawei is currently developing 5.5G technology, the next step after 5G, which aims to comprehensively enhance network connectivity and move away from connectivity-based development to full-service enablement. Huawei is collaborating with industry partners to advance towards an intelligent world.

At Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona 2023, Huawei unveiled a full series of One 5G solutions capable of driving all bands to 5G. This development of better 5G, Huawei calls the technology – 5.5G. John Gao, head of the 5.5G domain development at Huawei noted that among the new service trends driven by the new standard was a shift in communications being content.

Huawei believes that this new technology has the power to transform and digitize many different industries. The company predicts that 5.5G will vastly outperform 5G in many aspects such as cutting down the cost-per-bit of eMBB by ten times and delivering higher uplink capabilities using UCBC to meet the requirements of eighty per cent of ToB scenarios.

However, Huawei has been facing significant challenges due to global trade restrictions imposed on them. The U.S. crackdown has cut off the company’s access to essential supplies. Huawei’s global supply chain is being put under intense pressure.

Despite these challenges, Huawei remains committed to evolving their technology and pushing forward with their development of 5.5G. The company believes that this new technology will bring many benefits and advancements in the field of telecommunications.

It remains to be seen how these trade restrictions will affect Huawei’s ability to develop and implement their 5.5G technology on a global scale. However, the Chinese tech giant remains optimistic and determined to overcome these challenges.


(Source, Via)